EIKIGAI® coaching

Discover the benefits of individual or team equi-coaching
Eikigai coaching
Eikigai coaching
Eikigai coaching
Eikigai coaching
Eikigai coaching
Eikigai coaching
Eikigai coaching
Eikigai coaching
Eikigai coaching
Eikigai coaching
Eikigai coaching
Eikigai coaching
Eikigai coaching
Eikigai coaching
Eikigai coaching
Eikigai coaching
Eikigai coaching

Dates & opening times

Open all days from 13/04/2024 to 26/10/2024

Sur réservation


On an individual basis, you'd like to move forward on a personal development theme or overcome a blockage, thanks to the benevolent support of a certified coach and equi-coach, assisted by her long-standing partner horses.

(1-hour session with the horses preceded by a 30-minute to 1-hour face-to-face or video/telephone appointment).

-In groups, you want to strengthen your team cohesion, your ability to collaborate and communicate to improve your personal and collective effectiveness. (Groups of 2 to 6 people - half-day, or groups of 6 to 8 people - 2 ½ days).

-Creativity and ressourcement" day in partnership with SPA les Gros Joncs (individual or groups of up to 8 people).

Equi-coaching offers you an exceptional and memorable opportunity to spend a creative and rejuvenating moment in contact with horses, in a natural setting.

You'll learn about your personal functioning or your relationship with others in a group setting, thanks to the authentic, non-judgmental presence of the horses.

The exercises proposed during the session enable you to positively revisit certain patterns of functioning, to progress step by step, and to learn in complete safety, alongside the horses who reveal your potential.

Depending on the objective defined during the session, by (re)activating your sometimes unsuspected resources, you'll get back in touch with your body through movement and action, revealing new possibilities for beneficial development.

What you learn during the session becomes permanently anchored in your body, and your mind spontaneously calls upon it in everyday life, without you having to think about it; the experience is stored directly in your body, in your unconscious memory, as it were...

NB: The exercises are performed on foot, alongside the horses, so you don't need to know how to ride.

For more information and examples of themes, visit www.eikigai.fr, page SAISON ESTIVALE 2024.


EIKIGAI® coaching Les Béraudes17190, Saint-Georges-d'OléronFrance



Sustainable development
Pets welcome
Animals welcome
Disability access
Accessible for wheelchairs with assistance
Hearing disability
Possibility of drop-off in front of the site
Doors >=77 cm wide
Various services


See number Website

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