Concert de Tristan Bres – A Cinematic Journey

Instruments and visual processes from the past coexist on stage with futuristic machines, taking the audience on a cinematic journey out of time. Reservations at the tourist office
Tristan BRES
Tristan BRES

Dates & opening times

Open the 18/10/2024 as of 20:30 to 22:30


Tristan Bres returns with a new immersive creation, premiering at L'Arsenal on Friday, October 18, 2024.

Instruments and visual processes from the past (analog oscilloscope, modular synthesizers, Super 8 film, pepper gost*) coexist on stage with futuristic machines (some developed by IRCAM alumni), taking the spectator on a cinematic journey out of time.

Inspired by composers such as Nils Frahm, Jon Hopkins, Philip Glass and Boards of Canada, the original music for this creation moves between poetry and raw energy.

Singer and composer Jean-Baptiste Joseph Morice, from the group Love Supreme, and Catherine Ringer's keyboardist Nicolas Liesnard will join Tristan Bres on several stages.

On stage, John Duquoc's on-board cameras will take you live behind the scenes of the musical, sound and visual creation.

Lighting design by José Victorien .

Sound engineer: Serge Babkine.

*Pepper ghost: optical illusion process dating from 1854, ancestor of the hologram.

Bio :

Tristan Bres is a Parisian musician and composer who has been based on the island of Oléron for the past 10 years.

After starting his career as a bassist in jazz clubs and touring with artists such as Sinclair and Melissa Laveaux, he specializes in composition.

Operating under several pseudonyms, he works with labels such as Universal, Sony Music, Cristal...

He also composes film soundtracks and music for contemporary dance creations, notably with the "Au-Delà Du Bleu" company.

He also collaborates as arranger, composer and remixer with artists such as Telepopmusik, Fink and Love Supreme.

In 2022, producer Howie B (Massive Attack, U2, Björk) encouraged him to develop a more personal project by signing him to his English label, and scheduling him to play in London and at the Wonderfruit festival in Asia.

Tickets will be available on site, subject to availability (payment by cheque or cash only).


Concert de Tristan Bres – A Cinematic Journey Salle de spectacles de l'Arsenal à la CitadelleAvenue de la Citadelle17480, Le Château-d'Oléron



Payment method
Bank/credit card
Travellers Cheque
Online payment
Culture Pass
Contactless payment
Visual/graphic arts
Various arts
Various music


From 18/10/2024 to 18/10/2024
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