Conférence UTLMO : La transition écologique en Afrique, à quel prix ?

Speaker: Christian Bouquet, Professor of Political Geography at Bordeaux Montaigne University
Méthanier devant Gorée, Dakar

Dates & opening times

Open the 07/10/2024 as of 15:00 to 17:00


The figures are clear: Africa emits very few greenhouse gases per capita per year (0.7 tonnes on average, compared with 14.4 for the USA, 7.1 for China and 4.3 for France), but suffers the most disastrous consequences of climate change.

Yet the measures taken worldwide to combat climate change place the African continent on the same footing as the major polluters: the economy must be decarbonized, forests preserved and biodiversity protected.

Major contradictions then arise: should we give up coal and oil when we produce enough to electrify our country? Should we stop clearing forests when we need to feed five times more people than in 1960? Should we multiply protected areas at the risk of creating epidemic reservoirs, and reduce cultivated land?

At COP 17 (Durban 2011), the international community set up a Green Climate Fund, to be funded to the tune of $100 billion a year, to help the poorest countries cope with the effects of climate change.

This commitment has been regularly renewed since then, but has not been fully implemented, and is difficult to apply for reasons that will be explained at this conference.


Conférence UTLMO : La transition écologique en Afrique, à quel prix ? Cinéma l'Eldorado5 rue de la République17310, Saint-Pierre-d'Oléron



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Human and social sciences


From 07/10/2024 to 07/10/2024
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