Events calendar - Page 80 Map On which date? Municipality Municipality Bourcefranc-le-Chapus (23) Dolus-d'Oléron (84) La Brée-les-Bains (47) La Gripperie-Saint-Symphorien (1) Le Château-d'Oléron (123) Le Grand-Village-Plage (74) Le Gua (2) Marennes-Hiers-Brouage (96) Moëze (2) Saint-Denis-d'Oléron (108) Saint-Froult (5) Saint-Georges-d'Oléron (101) Saint-Just-Luzac (1) Saint-Pierre-d'Oléron (193) Saint-Sornin (8) Saint-Trojan-les-Bains (95) Apply Bookable online (41) Categories and themes Bien-être (1) Concerts (63) Conferences and meetings (83) Entertainment and local festivities (69) Exhibitions (213) Festivals (20) Fireworks, sound and light shows (11) Games, lottery and tombolas (25) Garage sales and flea-markets (31) Markets (32) Other events (27) Outings in nature and guided tours (253) Sports events (27) Theatre and shows (92) Wellness (67) Filter Animals welcome (42) Payment methods Apple Pay (11) Bank/credit card (133) Cash (259) Check (229) Contactless payment (78) Credit transfer (1) Culture Pass (5) Online payment (46) Travellers Cheque (107) Group access (70) Apply filters Filters 963 results 79 80 81 L'artisanat au Marché La Brée-les-Bains Contes en pyjama (pour les enfants) Dolus-d'Oléron Visite commentée de l'Église Saint-André de Dolus d'Oléron Dolus-d'Oléron Soirée Cabaret - Les Z'antistress Saint-Denis-d'Oléron Botanic game Le Château-d'Oléron Nuit de la chouette Saint-Pierre-d'Oléron Exposition de peinture - Tabcé Marennes-Hiers-Brouage Les drôles d'atours de la Tour Saint-Sornin Musicien sur le Marché : Captain Mike La Brée-les-Bains La flûte des-enchantée Saint-Georges-d'Oléron Concert Piano Pirate Saint-Denis-d'Oléron Bouquet Musical AMATI Saint-Georges-d'Oléron 963 results 79 80 81 List Search as I move the map