Assiette saveurs Restaurants
In this, the land of fabulous flavours, why not opt to eat local produce through the ‘Assiette Saveurs’ network of restaurants? This group of passionate restauranteurs has created this quality label with a view to showcasing the local culinary tradition.
Promoting local produce
Assiette Saveurs Ile d'Oléron-Marennes brings together restauranteurs who share a desire to promote the region’s local produce. Naturally, Marennes-Oléron oysters are famous the world over. However, there are lots of other top-quality products local to the area: fish from La Cotinière, seafood, salt, cognac, pineau, île d'Oléron vin de Pays (please drink responsibly), market garden produce, beef, local cheeses, snails and excellent jams! The goal of this body is not to assess restaurant quality but to highlight the origin of this produce and promote short supply chains.

The network’s goals are to:
- promote local, seasonal produce;
- clearly flag up produce from the Marennes Oléron area on restaurant menus;
- offer a guarantee of the origin of the produce served in partner restaurants.
- express an emotional connection with the local area
To keep up-to-date with Assiette Saveurs’ latest news go to: www.facebook.com/assiettesaveurs
Liste des restaurants engagés dans cette démarche :
1 - L'Ecume - 2 rue de la République - 17370 St-Trojan-les-Bains
05 46 75 34 66 www.restaurant-lecume-oleron.fr
2 - Mer et Forêt - 16 Boulevard Pierre Wiehn - 17370 St-Trojan-les-Bains
05 46 76 00 15 laforet.oleron@wanadoo.fr / www.hotel.ile-oleron.com
3 - Iode (Novotel) - Plage de Gatseau - 17370 St-Trojan-les-Bains
05 46 76 02 46 www.thalassa.com
4 - Le Relais des Salines - Port des Salines - 17370 Le Grand-Village-Plage
05 46 75 82 42 / www.lerelaisdessalines.com
5 - Comme une évidence - 6 place de la République - 17480 Le Château d'Oléron
05 46 47 77 79 / comme-une-evidence@orange.fr
6 - La Courtine - Avenue du Port - 17480 Le Château d'Oléron
05 46 36 00 74
7 - La Croix du sud - Les Valennes de l'Esplanade - Le Port 17480 Le Château d'Oléron
05 46 76 45 24 / contact@lacroixdusud-oleron.com
8 - La Camaraderie - 4 rue Franck Masse - 17310 Saint-Pierre d'Oléron
05 46 76 50 66 / www.facebook.com/lacamaraderie.io
9 - De l'île aux Papilles - Place Camille Mémain, 3 rue du Marché - 17310 Saint-Pierre d'Oléron
05 46 36 87 45 / www.ile-aux-papilles.fr
10 - Les Alizés - 4 rue Dubois Aubry - 17310 Saint-Pierre d'Oléron
05 46 47 20 20 resto.alizes@gmail.com / http://restaurantlesalizes.jimdo.com
11 - Ô saveurs des îles - 18 rue de la Plage - 17310 La Menounière
05 46 75 86 68 www.saveursdesiles.fr
12 - Le Grain de Sable - 839 rue de l'Océan - 17190 Domino
05 46 76 52 28 www.lapetiteplage.com
13 - La Fleur de Thym - 8 rue Pierre Métayer - 17650 St-Denis d'Oléron
05 46 76 82 07