Association IODDE - CPIE Marennes Oléron

IODDE is an association that works for the environment throughout the Marennes Oléron basin. The association's aim is to protect the environment, prevent pollution and raise awareness of the need to protect our beautiful region.
Association IODDE - CPIE Marennes Oléron

Dates & opening times

Open all days from 01/01 to 31/12 (all years)


The IODDE association (Ile d'Oléron Développement Durable Environnement) was set up in 2004, following on from the reflections of the local development council. In 2006, it set up the "REVE" program (Reconquista Et Valorisation des Estrans), which enabled a precise diagnosis to be made of the recreational fishing activity in the Marennes-Oléron area, combining an in-depth scientific component with an educational one. Six national trophies were awarded to the association for this work. IODDE now co-leads the Littorea network, which is pursuing this project by involving some 400 structures nationwide in the development of sustainable recreational fishing.

In 2009, the association began an extensive program to monitor seaweed strandings on the coast of the Ile d'Oléron, in partnership with the Centre d'Études et de Valorisation des Algues and the Communauté de communes de l'île d'Oléron. This program, necessary for monitoring the quality of water bodies, continues to this day, and is now complemented by the monitoring of macroalgal populations on the scale of the Parc Naturel Marin de l'estuaire de la Gironde et de la mer des Pertuis.

At the same time, the IODDE association has been able to develop its territorial roots, notably through its involvement in the creation and development of the LEADER program (Liaison Entre Actions de Développement de l'Economie Rurale - Linking Actions for the Development of the Rural Economy) from its 1st draft, as well as in supporting local authorities in the implementation of their Agenda 21. In 2011, this territorial reality enabled the association to obtain the CPIE label (Centre Permanent d'Initiatives pour l'Environnement), which recognizes and promotes its work in the Marennes basin and the Ile d'Oléron, and gives it access to a national environmental education network (Union Nationale des CPIE).

At the same time, the CPIE has taken part in various national initiatives, such as the "CapOeRa" (Capsules d'Œufs de Raies) participative science program. Implemented over more than ten years, this program aims to gain a better understanding of the biology of coastal skates, through the citizen harvesting of beached capsules. The association has also joined the Adapto program initiated by the Conservatoire du Littoral, which aims to explore different solutions for the gentle management of coastlines, on pilot territories subject to erosion and marine submersion in the context of increasing climate change.

Although the association is involved in a wide range of scientific projects, the CPIE's core business remains environmental education for both schoolchildren and the general public, and support for local areas to help raise awareness and skills levels among as many people as possible. Because environmental protection encompasses not only the preservation of biodiversity, but also economic, social and cultural issues, one of the association's current flagship projects is to develop educational marine areas in the region. IODDE being the local referent of this program initiated by the OFB since 2017. This multi-year scheme with very high educational value enables cycle 3 pupils to discover and preserve a marine area close to their school in order to learn about and understand marine ecosystems, maritime activities and their interrelationships. Supported by the Parc Naturel Marin de l'estuaire de la Gironde et de la mer des Pertuis, the CPIE is currently running this program with 17 local classes. At the same time, the CPIE team works with the general public all year round, with a rich and varied program of events for each season, combining discovery, information and awareness-raising to strengthen the link between the area and its inhabitants.


Association IODDE - CPIE Marennes Oléron 111 route du douhet17840, La Brée-les-BainsFrance



Themed tour
Educational visits
Local activities
Village 2 km away




See number Website

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