Half day sea trip on the old Albarquel rig

Discover the Albarquel sailboat, an exceptional 25m old rig, departing from La Rochelle's Old Port! Half-day trips. Take part in the maneuvers if you wish, or enjoy a more contemplative sea trip!
fontaine lupin
romantisme et coucher de soleil
vieux port
semaine du nautisme
enfants bienvenus à bord
au large de la rochelle
entre les 2 tours
coucher de soleil
la corderie royale , charente
au mouillage
semaine du nautisme
apero coucher de soleil
aux antilles
chenal du vieux port
fleuve charente
en route vers la rochelle
balade fluviale sur la charente
mouillag a chef de baie
apero privatisation
au large de la rochelle
devant la pallice
coucher de solei, apero
enflechures et voiles
bouts et cordages
degustation à bord
balade en mer
joyeux anniversaire
balade au large de la rochelle
formation pro
toute voiles dehors
apero coucher de soleil
Réservez en direct

Dates & opening times

Open from 01/04/2024 to 30/09/2024

Jours et horaires de départs selon la météo et sous réserve de modification selon des événements particuliers.
Coucher de soleil 19h à 21h ou 20h à 22h

Sustainable tourism

Les sorties en mer a bord d’Albarquel se font au maximum à la force du vent sous voiles exclusivement. Albarquel est un bateau de travail qui prône des valeurs écologiques à travers ses activités diverses, telles que la formation professionnelle des marins , le transport de marchandises et l’insertion par le concours d’associations engagées. Chacune des sorties est habillée de pédagogie et discussions autour de l’intérêt de la decarbonation du transport maritime, des projets qui animent l’équipage et de bons moments de partage que provoque ce type de navire traditionel. C’est aussi une occasion de retrouver simplicité et legerté le temps de quelques bords à la voile.

Nouveauté 2024

Participation active aux fêtes Maritime de la Rochelle , un rassemblement exceptionnel de vieux gréement et navire traditionnels.


Discover Albarquel, an exceptional sailboat that will take you on a unique journey of 3h30 at sea, departing from La Rochelle's historic Old Port... Memories to last a lifetime!
A half-day trip in the morning or afternoon, we offer 2 departures a day.
Enjoy breathtaking scenery and the magic of the ocean. Let yourself be carried by the wind, between the islands of Aix, Oléron, Ré and Fort Boyard in the heart of the Pertuis Charentais.
We're not going anywhere, but under sail!

But that's not all! On board Albarquel, we like to involve our passengers in the everyday life of a sailor. During our cruises, you'll have the chance to discover how the boat works, by taking an active part in some of the maneuvers. A unique experience that will plunge you into the heart of our passion.

For more details on schedules, departure points and prices, please visit our website. You'll find all the information you need to plan your next adventure at sea.

Don't wait any longer and come aboard with Albarquel for unforgettable memories!

Media files


Half day sea trip on the old Albarquel rig Vieux Port de La Rochelle17000, La RochelleFrance



Available for private hire
Booking obligatory
Local activities
Product tasting
Disability access
Not accessible in a wheelchair
Payment method
Bank/credit card
Online payment
Customers and groups
Welcome for business/incentive groups
Home school groups
Special rate for large families
Space adapted to the following requirements
Family Reception/drinks reception
Town location
Close to a public transportation
Bus stop < 500 m
Pier within 500 m
Station district
In centre of town
On the Haven
Panoramic view
Additional features
Open air
Types of activities and facilities
Tourist transport
Boat trip


From 01/04/2024 to 30/09/2024
Family pass


See number Website

Your data is used exclusively by us to distribute our Information. They are neither shared nor sold to third parties. In conformity with the European and French laws in force, notable law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on Computers, files and liberties, the Tourism Office informs you that you have the general right of access, correction and removal of the entirety of your personal information which we possess. You can exercise your right by contacting: L'Office de Tourisme de l'Ile d'Oléron et du Bassin de Marennes - 22 rue Dubois Meynardie 17320 Marennes, tel: +33 (0) 5 46 85 65 23, fax : +33 (0) 5 46 85 68 96


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