The Seas Dockyard

From the Corderie Royale, to the Musée de la Marine, to the top of the Accro-mâts, via the Fabrique de l'Arsenal and Oceana Lumina, embark on a day and evening of maritime adventure.
Visite en famille
Charente et Corderie
Corderie vue du ciel
Corderie Royale hologramme
Canon et histoire maritime
Grimper en haut des mats
Accromats Rochefort
Musée de la Marine
Le périscope
Maquette Fort Boyard
Musée de la Marine Rochefort
Accrobranche Rochefort
Ateliers noeuds
Corderie Royale à Rochefort

Dates & opening times

Open all days from 10/02/2024 to 31/12/2024

Please contact us for more information on the opening times of our sites.

Exceptional closing the 25/12/2024 and the 01/01/2025


Embark on the maritime adventure of the Arsenal des Mers for a day!
In this natural and heritage setting on the banks of the Charente, discover all the secrets of the maritime adventures that have taken place in Rochefort's arsenal over the last 350 years.
Today, you're the captain, the coxswain and the sailor!

At the Corderie Royale, you can try your hand at the skills of the spinners and rope makers, and at the Musée National de la Marine, you can learn all about history from the rich heritage collections. If you dare, climb the Accro-Mâts, a course up to 30 m high! In July and August, plunge into an enchanted universe on the theme of the ocean on the Oceana Lumina night-time trail.

Finally, take advantage of the new 2024 trail: La Fabrique de l'Arsenal (The Arsenal Factory), with its exhibition areas ranging from wooden boats to metal ships, including the dry docks and the curious role of the gateboat (exhibition in collaboration with the Heritage Department). Discover the Navy's espionage techniques at the giant Periscope and climb aboard the boat Noé!


The Seas Dockyard Arsenal Maritimeplace Amiral Dupont17300, RochefortFRANCE



Car park
Parking nearby
Public WC
Booking of general amenities
Themed tour
Guided tours
Educational visits
Local activities
Children's entertainment
Entertainment evenings
Handicrafts workshops
Temporary exhibition
Permanent exhibition
Payment method
Bank/credit card
Travellers Cheque
Online payment
Contactless payment
Customers and groups
Home school groups
Specially for children
Cycle track/route within 500 m
Town location
Close to a public transportation
In centre of town
Close to pleasure port
Overview on river
Additional features
Government health protocols
Visit possible
Services for individual visits
Guided individual tours on request
Unguided individual tours available permanently
Services for group visits
Guided group tours on request
Maritime history


Additional information

The Arsenal des Mers brings together various sites and activities: La Fabrique de l'Arsenal: €10/adult, €8.50 special rate, €7/children aged 6 to 15. Oceana Lumina: €12/adult, €10 special rate, €7/children aged 6 to 15. L'accro-mâts for children aged 7 and over and Drôle de quai for children aged 3 to 6: €16/adult, €15 for children aged 7 and over, €6 for children aged 3 to 6. La Corderie Royale: €10/adult, €8.50 special rate, €6/children aged 6 to 15. The Musée National de la Marine: €8/adult, €6 with the privilege card, free for under-26s. Dramatised tour of La Fayette, hero of 2 worlds: €10/adult, €8 special rate, €6/child aged 5 to 17. Guided tour of Rochefort, King Louis XIV's dream: €6.50/adult, €5.50 special rate, free for under-18s.


See number Website

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Associated content

Oceana Lumina
Oceana Lumina